Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I get started?

  • Read the Associates Program Operating Agreement.
  • Sign Up. Fill out a brief online registration form. You'll immediately gain access to Associates Central, which provides you with a fast and easy way to link to virtually any page on our site through the Build Links section. You'll find helpful merchandising tips and online reporting so that you can add links to your Web site and track your earnings.
  • Start Earning Referral Fees. You'll automatically be eligible to earn referral fees for sales generated by your links once your site is approved. You'll always have access to your earnings and traffic reports through Associates Central. The reports will show you what your visitors are buying, how much they are buying, and what your earnings are for those purchases. With that information, you can optimize your site and make the most of your relationship with us. Referral fees are paid at the end of each month.
2. Does it cost anything to become an Associate?

No, there are no fees of any kind for applying to and participating in the Associates Program. There is no charge to apply, and there is no minimum referral requirement or quota you must reach before earning referral fees with our program. You start earning right away.

3. Can I participate if I live outside Canada? Does my Web site qualify?

Yes, you may participate in the Associates Program if you live outside Canada. We have Associates from all over the world and are working hard to add even more. All you need to join is a Web site that does not violate intellectual property rights or promote sexually explicit materials, violence, illegal activities, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

For those Associates who want to link to other Amazon sites, you can also join the Associates Programs on those sites. They are separate programs from the Canada-based program, and you must sign up on each individual site to participate.

4. I have more than one Web site. Can I link to Amazon from each site?

Yes, you may participate in the Associates Program through multiple Web sites. If you want to track the performance of each Web site separately, contact Associates Customer Service to request the number of unique tracking IDs you would like. You can then use each tracking ID to measure the performance of a different site, promotional strategy, or layout.

5. Can a nonprofit join the Associates Program?

Yes, we encourage nonprofits to join our program.

6. How does track orders coming from my Web site?

An Associates ID is assigned when you sign up through our online form. Links from Associates Web sites to use a special format that includes this code. Every time a customer follows one of those links to our site, this unique URL tells us which page to display as well as which Associate sent the customer to us. We keep track of the Associates ID as the customer browses through our Web site, and even if they close their browser and come back later that day.

7. Will I earn referral fees for personal orders that I make through my Web site?

As stated in the Operating Agreement, we do not pay referral fees for personal orders. The nature of the marketing agreement between and its Associates involves the payment of referral fees for referring new customers. It is important that we are paying for new customers and not simply providing Associates additional discounts above and beyond the already discounted items offered by

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